“Teach God’s words to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
Grace Baptist Church is committed to the safety of all children Entrusted to our care. All volunteers who work with children have completed state mandated clearances.
Wednesdays 6:30-8:15 PM (September through April)
AWANA is a ministry providing the opportunity for kids to be discipled by caring adults who encourage them in Bible memory and teach weekly Bible lessons to better know and love their Savior, Jesus Christ. The weekly program includes games, snacks, small group time for Bible study and memorization, and large group time for a Bible lesson.
Cubbies is for children ages 3 and 4.
Sparks is for children in Kindergarten through 2nd grade
T&T is for children in 3rd through 5th grade
Trek is for 6th through 8th graders
Sunday School
Meets at 9:45 AM (September through May)
Sunday School for all ages meets from 9:45 to 10:30 a.m. throughout the church building. The children gather in classrooms with experienced, compassionate teachers who seek to help kids know and love God. We use Explore the Bible curriculum which is a book-by-book Bible study. Each session includes a lesson to help kids learn about the Bible and develop a love for God and his Word, but also includes interactive learning experiences to help reinforce the Text Truth. Kids will also bring home Family Cards so you as parents can continue the conversation about the lesson at home throughout the week.
Kid’s Church
Meets during the second service
Nursery is offered on the main level for babies and infants (up to age 2) during Sunday School and the second service.
Toddler Church (2 and 3s) meets in the main level classrooms at the start of the second service.
Beginner Church (4 and 5/K) meets in the main level classrooms and will be dismissed during the last song before the sermon of the second service.
Junior Church (1st-3rd Grade) meets every other Sunday from September through May in the downstairs classrooms and will be dismissed during the last song before the sermon of the second service.
A Family Room is provided in the lower level, first door on the right, for parents and their little ones to use during the service. If your infant is having an especially bad day or is not quite ready for the nursery, you can sit with your child in the Family Room to watch the service.