Wedding Policy

Uniting a man and woman, who are followers of Jesus Christ, in marriage, is a great honor and responsibility.
There are five requirements for getting married at Grace Baptist Church of Millersville:

  1. Acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior.

  2. Practicing sexual purity and living in separate residences.

  3. Six month attendance at Grace prior to the wedding date (certain exceptions made at the discretion of the pastors or the board of elders).

  4. Participation in pre-marital counseling.

  5. Receiving official permission to use the church facilities.

A staff pastor of Grace Baptist Church of Millersville must conduct all weddings held on church property, unless permission is given from the pastors or the board of elders for another pastor to conduct a wedding. This pastor must be able to affirm Grace’s doctrinal statement. In keeping with the congregation's biblical convictions about marriage described in our "Position Statement on the Sanctity of Marriage" facilities may only be used for weddings uniting one man and one woman in a monogamous, heterosexual union.

Facility Usage Guidelines

“Church facilities” are defined as any and all property belonging to Grace Baptist Church of Millersville, including buildings, lands, and any parts thereof.

Facility usage requests must be made far enough in advance so that the event may be coordinated with other events at the church.

The following outlines the steps required for use of the facilities:

  1. A Facility Usage Request must be completed (see reverse) and returned to the church office for approval by an elder before a wedding can be scheduled. Please specify if you are requesting use of the auditorium, fellowship hall, kitchen, and/or other areas of the facilities. After the request is approved, you will receive a copy of the completed form.

  2. A fee of $200 is owed for use of the auditorium or $300 for use of the auditorium and the fellowship hall. A check made out to Grace Baptist Church of Millersville should accompany the request. This fee is waived for members and regular attenders.

  3. A key deposit ($100) will be collected if a church key is issued, and will be refunded when the key has been returned to the office. The key may be picked up the week of the wedding. No deposit is needed from members and regular attenders.

  4. No weddings will be held in conflict with regular services of the church.

  5. Saturday weddings must be held no later than 4:00 p.m. (general guide) to allow for the preparation of the church facility for Sunday.

If you are still interested in having you wedding at Grace after reading the policies and guidelines then please click on the button below to fill out a form that will advise staff of your interest!