Today the Penn Manor School District announced that they will shift to full remote learning tomorrow, Wednesday, December 16. There are a rising number of COVID-19 cases across the school system.

In keeping with Grace's plan to follow Penn Manor's schedule when hosting AWANA, there will be no AWANA Clubs at Grace tomorrow evening (December 16).

Remember that we have already planned to take December 23 and 30 off for the Christmas and New Year's holidays.

We hope to begin AWANA again on Wednesday, January 6.


Awana is back! Starting Wednesday October 28, Awana begins again at Grace Baptist Church of Millersville. If you and your children are new to Awana, or this is the first time you will attend Awana at Grace, Welcome! Our goal is for your child to come to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus. We learn about God’s Word and memorize it. Scripture says, “Thy Word is truth.” This is good news in a world where truth is becoming scarce. If your children are between 3 years old and the 8th grade, then this ministry is for them.

If you’re familiar with how we do Awana at Grace, the heart of it will still be much the same. Aside from the COVID-19 protocols that will be in place when your children come through our doors, we’ll still have games, snacks, and handbook time each Wednesday night. Lord willing, May 26, 2021 will be the last Awana night for the year (27 weeks). A calendar will be provided.

About those COVID-19 protocols, we strive to adhere to CDC guidelines. We also will adopt several of the practices currently followed by the Penn Manor School District. That said, the following will be in place when you arrive:

  • Parents are not to exit their vehicles. When you arrive for dropoff and pickup, a leader will escort your child(ren) to their assigned place and return them to you at the end of the night.

  • Masks or face shields will be worn by everyone at all times during the evening.

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided to each child throughout the evening.

  • Materials and supplies provided to your child each evening will only be accessible to them for that night. Also, all snacks provided will be individually packaged.

  • Each child will remain in their clubs (even in game time) throughout the night to minimize exposure to others.

  • All participants must submit a signed COVID-19 waiver.

In order for us to make the first Awana night experience a safe, fun, and productive one for everyone, we are requiring parents to pre-register each child. Follow this link in order to register. You will also be able to download, print, and sign the waiver.

Thank you for entrusting your child to us each Wednesday night. We’re looking forward to seeing them. Awana starts promptly at 6:30pm and ends promptly at 8:15pm. We ask that you arrive by 6:25 (no sooner than 6:20). This is especially important because the COVID-19 protocols take time and involves our entire staff. We appreciate your cooperation.

Our weekly schedule, as well as the protocols, are subject to change in order to conform to any PA State and Penn Manor School District policy revisions. We will advise you of these changes as soon as we receive them. Also, we will notify you of any cancellations or time changes due to inclement weather (Rule of Thumb: If Penn Manor Schools are closed, we are closed). Please check our website: for information. Closings and cancellations will also be announced on WJTL radio.

If you have any questions or concerns, the easiest way to receive an answer is to email me at

See you at AWANA!


Download Grace’s COVID-19 Waiver form here